Results for 'Wagner Colmenares Mayanga'

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  1.  7
    Socio-Formative Didactic Strategies to Strengthen Social Skills in Medical Technology University Students, 2021.Yudelly Torrejón Rodríguez, Elena Vega Torres, Nely Yolanda Silva Fernández, Norma Heredia Aponte, Pamela Amanda Quispe Aubert, Wagner Colmenares Mayanga & Guisselly Janett Mendoza Gastelo - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1492-1511.
    The results of the investigation were aligned with the objective of determining the influence of the program in the strengthening of social skills in university students of Medical Technology of the National University of Jaén. It is an applied, explanatory, longitudinal research, with a quantitative approach and quasi-experimental design, with pre-test and post-test in experimental and control groups. The hypothetical-deductive method was used, with a population of 289 students and 80 for the sample. The Observation Form and the Social Skills (...)
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  2. It's how you get there: walking down a virtual alley activates premotor and parietal areas.Johanna Wagner, Teodoro Solis-Escalante, Reinhold Scherer, Christa Neuper & Gernot Müller-Putz - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Is Conditioning Really Incompatible with Holism?Carl Wagner - 2013 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 42 (2):409-414.
    Jonathan Weisberg claims that certain probability assessments constructed by Jeffrey conditioning resist subsequent revision by a certain type of after-the-fact defeater of the reasons supporting those assessments, and that such conditioning is thus “inherently anti-holistic.” His analysis founders, however, in applying Jeffrey conditioning to a partition for which an essential rigidity condition clearly fails. Applied to an appropriate partition, Jeffrey conditioning is amenable to revision by the sort of after-the-fact defeaters considered by Weisberg in precisely the way that he demands.
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    Samaritan’s Dilemmas, Wealth Redistribution, and Polycentricity.Meg Patrick Tuszynski & Richard E. Wagner - 2018 - In Richard E. Wagner, James M. Buchanan: A Theorist of Political Economy and Social Philosophy. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 291-311.
    It is nearly universally presumed that redistribution can be carried out effectively only at the national or even global level, because local redistribution will be negated through personal mobility: recipients will move to high-paying jurisdictions while taxpayers will move away from those jurisdictions. To avoid this situation requires redistribution to be concentrated at national and not at local levels. In contrast to this standard line of argument, we explore how redistribution might be carried out more effectively at local levels than (...)
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    Interdisciplinary workshop in the philosophy of medicine: death.Stefan J. Wagner, Elselijn Kingma & Mary Margaret McCabe - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (5):1072–1078.
  6. Natural languages, formal systems, and explication.Pierre Wagner - 2012 - In Carnap's ideal of explication and naturalism. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Mapping Legal Semiotics.Anne Wagner - 2010 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 23 (1):77-82.
    The essay seeks to harness the diverse and innovative work to date of legal semiotics. It seeks to bring together the cumulative research traditions of these related areas as a preclusion to identifying fertile avenues for research.
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    Materializing Notions, Concepts and Language into Another Linguistic Framework.Anne Wagner & Jean-Claude Gémar - 2013 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 26 (4):731-745.
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    Mathematical Variables as Indigenous Concepts.Roy Wagner - 2009 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 23 (1):1-18.
    This paper explores the semiotic status of algebraic variables. To do that we build on a structuralist and post-structuralist train of thought going from Mauss and L vi-Strauss to Baudrillard and Derrida. We import these authors' semiotic thinking from the register of indigenous concepts (such as mana), and apply it to the register of algebra via a concrete case study of generating functions. The purpose of this experiment is to provide a philosophical language that can explore the openness of mathematical (...)
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    Nilpotent complements and Carter subgroups in stable ℜ-groups.Frank O. Wagner - 1994 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 33 (1):23-34.
    The following theorems are proved about the Frattini-free componentG Φ of a soluble stable ℜ-group: a) If it has a normal subgroupN with nilpotent quotientG Φ/N, then there is a nilpotent subgroupH ofG Φ withG Φ=NH. b) It has Carter subgroups; if the group is small, they are all conjugate. c) Nilpotency modulo a suitable Frattini-subgroup (to be defined) implies nilpotency. The last result makes use of a new structure theorem for the centre of the derivative of the Frattini-free component (...)
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    Logique, vérité et descente sémantique.Henri Wagner - 2024 - Archives de Philosophie 87 (3):99-118.
    Dans cet essai, nous voudrions contribuer à offrir une compréhension adéquate de l’usage par Quine du prédicat de vérité dans la formulation des lois logiques. L’enjeu est central : puisque la « logique poursuit la vérité dans l’arbre de la grammaire » en généralisant sur des phrases exemplifiant la même structure logique au moyen du prédicat de vérité, commettre un contresens sur ce point, c’est se rendre incapable de comprendre adéquatement la relation interne entre logique et vérité. La méthode adoptée (...)
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    Friedman, Sy D. and VeliCkovit, B., Al-Definability.I. Hodkinson, R. Kaye, I. Korec, F. Maurin, H. Mildenberger & F. O. Wagner - 1997 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 89 (1):277.
  13. Disbelief Logic Complements Belief Logic.John Corcoran & Wagner Sanz - 2008 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 14 (3):436.
    JOHN CORCORAN AND WAGNER SANZ, Disbelief Logic Complements Belief Logic. Philosophy, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260-4150 USA E-mail: [email protected] Filosofia, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiás, GO 74001-970 Brazil E-mail: [email protected] -/- Consider two doxastic states belief and disbelief. Belief is taking a proposition to be true and disbelief taking it to be false. Judging also dichotomizes: accepting a proposition results in belief and rejecting in disbelief. Stating follows suit: asserting a proposition conveys belief and denying conveys disbelief. Traditional (...)
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    Information Structure and Production Planning.Michael Wagner - 2016 - In Caroline Féry & Shinichiro Ishihara, The Oxford Handbook of Information Structure. Oxford University Press UK.
    Utterances are planned and realized incrementally. Which information is salient or attended to prior to initiating an utterance has influences on choices in argument structure and word order, and affects the prosodic prominence of the constituents involved. Many phenomena that the linguistic literature usually treats as reflexes of the grammatical encoding of information structure, such as the early ordering of topics, or the prosodic reduction of old information, are treated in the production literature as a consequence of how contextual salience (...)
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    Note de lecture.Henri Wagner - 2020 - Archives de Philosophie 3:113-123.
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    Lyman Tower Sargent, Cosmophage.Jennifer Wagner-Lawlor - 2020 - Utopian Studies 31 (2):259-264.
    This appreciation of Lyman Tower Sargent seeks a term to best capture the utopian sensibilities and contributions of this unique scholar. I propose a word taken from Susan Sontag, who shared a lifelong interest in “other worlds,” real and unreal, utopian and dystopian: cosmophage—literally, “world-eater.”.
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  17. In gnosticism, buddhism, and the matrix project.Rachel Wagner & Frances Flannery-Dailey - 2005 - In Christopher Grau, Philosophers Explore the Matrix. Oxford University Press. pp. 258.
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    IV. Kants Isolierung des Verstandes und ihre Bedeutung für den Ding-an-sich-Begriff.Walther Wagner - 1926 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 37 (1-2):49-64.
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    Investigation of Psychophysiological and Subjective Effects of Long Working Hours – Do Age and Hearing Impairment Matter?Verena Wagner-Hartl & K. Wolfgang Kallus - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Ingres. Ses sources litterairesIngres. Cahiers litteraires inedits.Geoffrey Wagner & Norman Schlenoff - 1957 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 16 (2):282.
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  21. K. GABRIEL (Hg.) Jahrbuch fur Christliche Sozialwissenschaften 2007, ISBN 978-3-402-10980-9.T. Wagner - 2008 - Theologie Und Philosophie 83 (4):621.
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  22. Loyalty and commitment in a totalitarian party.Helmut R. Wagner - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Lorentz Contraction relative to Fresnel dragged reference frame explains Solid-State Michelson-Morley Experiment Null Result.Dan Wagner - 2009 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 16 (1):70-81.
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    Le diagnostic de la pluralité en droit médical anglais et ses implications.Anne Wagner - 2004 - Semiotica 2004 (151).
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  25. L'inquisition de Tolède face au protestantisme au XVIème siècle.C. Wagner - 1994 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 74 (2):153-169.
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    La machine en logique.Pierre Wagner - 1998 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
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    Mind-Body Interaction in Descartes.Stephen I. Wagner - 1993 - In Stephen Voss, Essays on the philosophy and science of René Descartes. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter discusses a re-emerging topic in Cartesian scholarship—mind and body interaction. A number of thinkers, from his contemporaries onward, have maintained that Descartes' account of his two substances rules out the possibility of the interaction that he attempted to defend. Often, however, the ground for asserting this impossibility has been left less than explicit. Recent discussion has attempted to clarify the issue by asking whether there can be specified grounds within Descartes' philosophy which are sufficient to rule out mind–body (...)
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    Metanaukowy kontekst problemu „brakującego ogniwa”.Michał Jakub Wagner - 2018 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 52 (2):131.
    W pracy tej podejmowane jest zagadnienie form przejściowych ewolucji biologicznej w jej najbardziej znanej formie, czyli problemu „brakującego ogniwa”. Problem ten często pojawiający się w rozważaniach wczesnych darwinistów, został całkowicie zarzucony przez współczesnych ewolucjonistów. Zniknięcie kwestii brakującego ogniwa z zainteresowań współczesnej biologii tłumaczy się tym, iż poszukiwane formy przejściowe zostały już odnalezione. Sam zaś problem uważa się za nieistotny, gdyż spowodowany niekorzystnym wpływem różnych czynników pozanaukowych. Celem pracy jest wskazanie przyczyn, które doprowadziły do zmiany sposobu postrzegania owej problematyki. Szczególna uwaga (...)
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    Morelly, le méconnu des lumières.Nicolas Wagner - 1978 - Paris: Klincksieck.
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    Neoplatonism and Nature: Studies in Plotinus’ “Enneads.”.Michael F. Wagner (ed.) - 2001 - State University of New York Press.
    Original essays by leading scholars on Plotinus' philosophy of nature.
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    Naked Germany: Health, Race and the Nation.Gerhard Wagner - 2005 - Utopian Studies 16 (3):439-443.
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    Law's Empire. [REVIEW]William Joseph Wagner - 1987 - Review of Metaphysics 41 (1):133-136.
    Dworkin is, perhaps, best known for the idea of moral rights in a "strong sense," which may not be limited by law. Long having opposed this idea to the doctrines of the legal positivism and correlative utilitarianism that dominate Anglo-American legal thought, Dworkin had not previously set out a general theory of law as a systematic theoretical alternative to legal positivism, but had restricted himself instead to provocative, ambitious, somewhat occasional essays which have been published in collected form under the (...)
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  33.  54
    Hans Wagner: Die Würde des Menschen. Wesen und Normfunktion. Hrsg. v. Stephan Nachtsheim.Hans Wagner & Reinhold Breil - 2015 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 68 (1):022-032.
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  34. "I still maintain that this session should have been called" An Evening with Alfred Schutz," maybe with the addition in small print:" as seen through the re-presentations of his student Helmut Wagner.Helmut R. Wagner - 1985 - Human Studies 8 (33).
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    Richard Wagner's Prose Works.Richard Wagner & William Ashton Ellis - 2018 - Palala Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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    Wagner, Richard, Fichtes.Anteil an der Einführung der Pestalozzischen Methode in Preußen.Richard Wagner - 1920 - Kant Studien 24 (1).
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    Francisco Giner de los Ríos y su legado pedagógico.Carmen Colmenar Orzaes - 2015 - [Madrid]: Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Edited by Teresa Rabazas Romero & Sara Ramos Zamora.
  38. La gesta belgraniana en su culminacion.Luis Oscar Colmenares & Olga Chiericotti - 1963 - Humanitas 16:189.
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    Algunos aspectos de la teoría de las fuentes del derecho.Sonia Carrillo de Colmenares - 1989 - Maracaibo: Universidad del Zulia, CONDES.
  40. La dialéctica materialista y la investigación científica.Julio Silva Colmenares - 1991 - [Bogotá]: Universidad INCCA de Colombia.
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  41. Wagner's Aesthetics.Richard Wagner & Carl Dahlhaus - 1972 - Edition Musica.
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    The Nietzsche-Wagner correspondence.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Richard Wagner, Caroline V. Kerr & Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche - 1921 - New York: Liveright. Edited by Richard Wagner, Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche & Caroline V. Kerr.
    THE NIETZSCHE-WAGNER CORRESPONDENCE CHAPTER I. FIRST MEETING. MY brother writes in "Ecce Homo": "From the moment a piano edition of 'Tristan and Isolde* appeared (my compliments, ...
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    Affect[ing] and Listening to the “Critical Spirit” in Communities of Inquiry.Erica Eva Colmenares & Roy Danovitch - 2022 - Philosophy of Education 78 (3):85-90.
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    Nietzsche und Wagner: Stationen einer epochalen Begegnung.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche & Richard Wagner (eds.) - 1994 - Frankfurt am Main: Insel.
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    Hans Wagner: Kleinere Schriften I: Systematische Abhandlungen. Hrsg. v. Bernward Grünewald.Hans Wagner, Bernward Grünewald & Reinhold Breil - 2016 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 69 (2):153-165.
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    Die Aktualität der Transzendentalphilosophie: Hans Wagner zum 60. Geburtstag.Hans Wagner, Gerhart Schmidt & Gerd Wolandt (eds.) - 1977 - Bonn: Bouvier.
    Barion, J. Was es heisst, ein Philosoph zu sein.--Flach, W. Die Objektivität der Erkenntnis.--Schmidt, G. Die Transzendentalität des Seingedankens.--Winterhager, E. Das Sich-Haben des Subjekts.--Hartmann, K. Analytische und kategoriale Transzendentalphilosophie.--Marx, W. Systemidee und die Problematik ihrer Begründung.--Röd, W. Transzendentalphilosophie und deskriptive Philosophie als wissenschaftliche Theorien.--Vuillemin, J. Caractères et fonctions des signes.--Ritzel, W. Zur Theorie praktischer Wissenschaft.--Hufnagel, E. Relationen--zum Streit um die pädagogische Anthropologie.--Derbolav, J. Politik und Moral.--Wolandt, G. Standpunkte der Kunstphilosophie.
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    Wagner Writes from Paris: Stories, Essays, and Articles by the Young Composer.Richard Wagner - 1973 - Allen & Unwin Australia.
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    Aristoteles-Erwähnungen im Mittelalter: Fritz Wagner.Fritz Wagner - 1985 - In Vivian Nutton, Jutta Kolesh, H. J. Lulofs & Jürgen Wiesner, Kommentierung, Überlieferung, Nachleben. De Gruyter. pp. 498-514.
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    Figure-Disembedding Is Inferior in Non-autistic Compared to Autistic Individuals but Can Be Improved by Training.Christine M. Falter-Wagner, Carola Bloch, Marta Robles, Lea Horch, Kai Vogeley & Alexandra Livia Georgescu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundFigure-disembedding is one of the most discussed visuo-cognitive functions, in which individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder have been reported to outperform non-autistic individuals. A local processing bias has been assumed to underlie such superior performance patterns. The aim of the current study is to investigate whether processing preferences can be modified by procedural priming.MethodThe current study used a procedural priming task to induce more local or global processing in 25 autistic and 21 typically developing control participants, using hierarchical figures preceding (...)
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    A Sociology of Modernity: Liberty and Discipline.Peter Wagner - 2002 - Routledge.
    First Published in 2004. Confusion reigns in sociological accounts of the curent condition of modernity. The story-lines from the 'end of the subject' to 'a new individualism', from the 'dissolution of society' to the re-emergence of 'civil society', from the 'end of modernity' to an 'other modernoity' to 'neo-modernization'. This book offers a sociology of modernity in terms of a historical account of social transformations over the past two centuries, focusing on Western Europe but also looking at the USA and (...)
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